11th Seattle South Asian Film Festival (SSAFF) is a 11-day festival of thought-provoking meaningful films & forums on South Asia* to engage its viewers to dialogue openly on the issues of human right and social/political/economic injustice. The focus of SSAFF 2016 is Bangladesh and message #LoveWins
*South Asia includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
It is the largest South Asian Film Festival in the country with over 3000 attendees, 45 films, shown over 11days, in 5cities. SSAFF is produced by Tasveer.
Questions? Email us at ssaff@tasveer.org or call 206.349.4478
Festival Director: Kiran Dhillon Festival Co-Director: Madhuri Kudaravalli Tasveer Executive Director: Rita Meher Bangladesh Country Director: Rashed Noman Event Manager: Archana Soy Festival Publicist: Sara Huey Community Partnership: Suryanka Kalra Sponsorship Team: Anwesha Das Symposium Lead: Alka Kurian Programming Committee: Ananya Rabeya (Lead) Jayant Swamy Nalini Iyer Rashed Noman Rebeka Noman Tanushree Chowdhury Archana Soy Pallavi Somusetty Marketing Linishya Sequiera Vaz Mithun Menezes Rumela Ganguly Nidhi Chaudhry Website Jitendra Joshi (Architect) Mudit Gupta (Lead) Pooja Galgali Abhishek Kulkarni Content Writers Sumathi Raghavan Jayant Swamy Talha Sabri Festival Coordinators Rasanga Weerasinghe Sandhya Sridhar Meera Saxena Devyani Charde Ravi Sangha Shuba Iyer Guest Liaisons Tanushree Chowdhury Rumela Ganguly Anita Akerkar
Tasveer Board
Tasveer is a non-profit film & art organization.
Our mission is to inspire social change through thought-provoking South Asian Films, Art & Stories. Through our festivals, we provide a platform to engage and empower the South Asian Community through meaningful dialogue on a variety of important issues.
Learn more on the Tasveer website.
SSAFF by Numbers
- 23 Features
- 22 Shorts
- 9 Countries represented
- 16 Attending filmmakers
Countries represented: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Canada, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, United States
Country of Focus: Bangladesh
Festival Theme: #LoveWins
Subtitles: Yes