
Director: Ajay Raina
India / 2011 / 81min
Language: Pahari / Kashmiri / Urdu / English

'Apour ti yapour. Na jang na aman. Yeti chu talukpeth' delves into the untranslatable in Kashmir. The film maps the distance Kashmir has travelled emotionally and psychologically from the idea of India. Twenty years of turmoil in Kashmir and the consequent Indian State response may have brought Kashmir to a point from where, there may be nowhere else to go. The film is about how a temporary border that has remained permanent too long, disrupts peoples lives across the divide. It traverses from the personal to the collective, along the borders, borderlands and boundaries within Kashmir, where the quest of selfhood, and identity of people betrayed by history remains suspended, disrupted by a war that happened more than sixty years ago.

Funded by Public Service Broadcasting Trust (PSBT) in partnership with Doordarshan.

About the Director: Ajay Raina has been making documentary films about Kashmir, where he spent his formative years. His film with PSBT, ‘Tell Them, 'The tree they had Planted has now Grown.' won the Golden Conch at MIFF 2002, the RAPA award and IDPA Silver trophy. His Film ‘Wapsi’ won the National Award in 2005.