Friday Sept 29th - 9pm
Love and Longing from Prague to Lahore
Shorts Package

In this eclectic selection of international short films, love and longing are in the hearts of the protagonists. Although each film is set in a different corner of the world, we see the common threads of characters longing to understand oneself and desire to connect with others. Each film employs its own unique filmmaking strategy to convey these universal emotions.
(Wazhma & Gazelle Samizay, USA/Afghanistan, 2005, 10min)
Filmmakers (and sisters) explore what identity is and challenge preconceived notions of who is underneath the burqa. This experimental film is a product of their own struggles to reconcile several identities: American, Afghan, and Female.
Rich Man's World
(Thomas T. George, Czech Republic, 2005, 10min)
Seattle Premiere
With no spoken dialog, Rich Man's World is about the flirtation that might have blossomed into a once in a lifetime event but is abandoned mid-way only due perceived personal and social barriers.
the goodbye man
(Mridu Chandra, Pakistan, 2005, 13min)
Collaborated and crewed by the first film school in Lahore, the goodbye man is the story of young Pakistani office worker Imran Butt who out of loneliness and alienation decides to take control of his life by ending it once and for all.
Right Here, Right Now
(Anand Gandhi, India, 2005, 29min)
In life everything is about PRESENT. What happens NOW is what matters. 17 locations, 7 languages, 25 characters covered in just 2 shots. There is nothing like this film!
(Avie Luthra, South Africa, 2005, 20min, 35mm)
Veteran UK director Avie Luthra makes a sensitive short film about Lucky, a South African AIDS orphan who learns about life through an unlikely bond with a racist Indian woman. Award winning short film screened at over 50 international festivals.
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